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01 Spent Grain Flour - 500 g

Sale price€5,25

01 has a mild authentic aroma with a light taste of cereal and gives your baked goods a beautiful golden colour. Spent grain flour is also rich in fibre and protein.

This flour is perfect for muffins, bread and much more and our favourite for breakfast buns because it works so well as a mild nutrition booster.

From Beer to Flour
Agrain spent grain flour is a great sustainable addition to your bread and baked goods.

01 Spent grain flour starts as malted barley, which is mashed in the brewery. During malting and mashing, the grain is broken down, increasing access to nutrients, and some of the sugar is extracted from the grain.

The brewery removes the grain before fermentation.

Full Product Specification & Technical Data Sheet

Customer Reviews

Based on 5 reviews
Sprøde rustikke boller med luksuriøs konsistens!

Jeg fulgte opskriften på posen til koldhævede boller og fik 12 flotte, sprøde boller. De ser meget “rugbrødsagtige” ud, men jeg blev positivt overrasket over både den lette konsistens og den neutrale smag. Bollerne blev også godkendt af min mand, som beskrev konsistensen som “luksus”. Jeg elsker, at melet er bæredygtigt og samtidig indeholder masser af fibre og næring. Den brune farve giver et rustikt look, der gør dem indbydende som morgenboller. Jeg glæder mig til at prøve de andre varianter.

Eva Maria
Genialt mel!

Giver altid en blød og smidig dej er lækker at arbejde med. Billige point når der bages suppe brød da man nemt får store flotte lufthuller, sprød skorpe og saftig midte med en god smag.


01 Maskmel i almindelige boller med hvedemel giver en skøn dyb farve, en delikat men diskret nøddeagtig smag og god tekstur til ellers fantasiløse boller. Der skal mere væde i end normalt, til gengæld får bollerne en virkelig saftig krumme uden at blive "tunge". Virkelig lækkert, det indbyder helt sikkert til at prøve melet i andre typer bagværk, og 02 og 03 skal absolut også forsøges.

Anna M.
Amazing addition to my kitchen!

The flour is incredible! It adds a deep, nutty taste to my bread and pastries and brings this lovely texture that’s hard to find in other flours. Plus, it feels great knowing it’s upcycled. Definitely a must-try if you love experimenting in the kitchen!

Lækker smag.

Jeg tilsatte ca 90g 01Maskmel til 600g alm mel til søndagens morgenmadsboller. Det gav en virkelig lækker, dyb smag men gjorde dog også bollerne en smule tunge. Næste gang skal der nok lidt mere gær i.

Mit næste bageprojekt er Bagels. Jeg forestiller mig at bagels bagt med 01Maskmel vil være helt perfekt med hjemmelavet cream cheese.


Get inspired by our recipes and boost the aroma and nutrition of your baked goods with spent grain flour.

Seeded Crispbread with Spent Grain Flour
01 Spent Grain Flour

Seeded Crispbread with Spent Grain Flour

This delicious rustic crispbread can be made using any type of Agrain flour. Keep the flavour neutral with 01, or try 02 for a nuttier aroma or 03 for more depth and chocolatey notes. Mix the seed...

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No-Knead Artisan Bread with 01 Spent Grain Flour
01 Spent Grain Flour

No-Knead Artisan Bread with 01 Spent Grain Flour

This no-knead bread is incredibly easy to make - simply let it rise over night, and bake for a warm, crunchy, and delicious loaf in the morning!  Dissolve the yeast in the water. Stir until the ...

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Hot Cross Buns with 01 Spent Grain Flour
01 Spent Grain Flour

Hot Cross Buns with 01 Spent Grain Flour

Heat water, butter and sugar to 40C to allow butter to melt. Remove from the heat. Add yeast and rest for 15 mins. Blend flour, Agrain and salt together. Pour in the warm mixture and knead until i...

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